At first it felt like the whole world hit the PAUSE button. After the panic buying that is! Now that we are all adapting to this 'new normal' (a rather more housebound way of living) it's time to find our stride again. We all need some healthy focus and purpose, no matter what circumstances we are facing. Make sure your extra time at home is not wasted.
1. Establish Routine: Get up at the same time every morning, complete your normal routine even if working from home and complete your daily grooming routine even if you're not going to see anyone. You'll feel better and your immediate family will too!
2. Make lists: Create a measurable set of things to do around the house or other projects and tick off when you have accomplished them. This will give you a sense of both purpose and accomplishment, not to mention make the most of this gift of extra time we've all been temporarily given. This could include all those things you never get around to doing: making photo albums, connecting with old friends and lost contacts, odd 'fix it' jobs around the house, gardening, home improvement projects etc.
3. Prioritise self-improvement: This might involve more time in spiritual development, online learning or professional development courses, identifying character weaknesses you'd like to work on, and working on weight loss or health goals.
4. Pursue health and healing: What a great time for spending more time meal planning and cooking and focussing on a healthy diet plan. Set weight loss goals during this time. Identify health issues and get help with overcoming them: many medical and health appointments are now available online making them even easier than before! SmartNutrimed is now doing ALL appointments online via telehealth making nutrition appointments more accessible to a geographically broader array of people. All functional and DNA testing can also be arranged online, as can any prescriptions for nutraceuticals needed. Super easy and all online.
5. Get regular exercise: exercise improves your state of mind, boosting serotonin levels, reducing inflammation and pain syndromes, not to mention improving your body shape;). Establish a regular routine and use this time to get in better shape than ever before! It's the one excuse you have to get out of the house:)
6. Regulate news intake and screen time: It's very tempting to be looking at Corona virus numbers and news sources 24/7. Realise that this is not going away anytime soon. Measure the time you're spending/wasting on mindless screen activities and try to control your screen use so that is it of benefit not detriment. Keep a log if need be of screen activity and provide yourself with realistic limits.
7. Take one day at a time: None of us know when or how this will end. Facing an unknown future is daunting, not knowing when you can see loved ones again, take a trip, whether to cancel plans later in 2020 or 2021.... Accepting this reality will involve living in the moment and letting go of the rest. This WILL pass.
8. Practice PEACE: This may involve getting outside, appreciating nature during exercise, meditation, prayer etc. Enjoy the stillness of this unique time in history. Be mindful of letting your mind relax and be still.
9. Support others: Focus any extra time and energy on being a support to at least one other vulnerable person during this time: it might be older family members, a neighbour or friend. It may involve offers to get a few extra things from the grocery store, calling someone at a regular time each week, running errands for someone etc. Make time for someone else's needs.
10. Maintain personal space: If you are in a household with other people living and working together in close quarters without much 'outside' time, it's important to establish good household boundaries and ensure you have a way of 'escape' where you can relax and enjoy your own company.
It's not often in life we have a sudden influx of our most precious and often scarce commodity - time. Even those still working at the moment are finding there is more time for the important things in life, like family. We all have this incredible opportunity to use this time wisely, to take stock of what's important and reprioritise. Make the most of it! It won't last forever:)